Mainz Daily Photo

>Kumasi Asante Kotoko – #163

>That’s “Have another beer” in Ghanaian. I think

Or the name of the team that had to stand in on short notice for Werder Bremen (which is one of the top teams of the Premiere Division) who couldn’t field a decent side because of injuries in the training build-up to the season.

They’ve been Ghanaian champion more times that you can count (even if you take your shoes off and add up on your toes as well) so Christoph (who’s hugely famous around here from his appearance in a docu-soap about the Vertical Village) and I reckoned it might be a pretty good kick.

Not a really good kick, mind you, but a good evening out.

Which it was. Mainly because there were only 3498 other folks there, which meant that queues were short and no waiting for liquid refreshments or sausages in a bun. Mostly for liquid refreshments.

So the first half was OK – a bit patchy and no-one had a clue who was playing, because the PA system was on the blink and then the announcer had trouble getting his mandible around some of the more tricky names.
Subotić. Vrancic. Baljak (from Banat Zrenjanin). For example. (And those are the local ones…) He elegantly got around naming the guests with “Well, the ones that have left the field aren’t on the field anymore and the ones that weren’t now are”.

And the we had a couple more confusions er.. infusions of the liquid amber at half time. Actually a crouple of cropples.

And we got the imperssion impression that the second half was condisar.. consudera..con-sider-ably better than the hirst falf and the new singeing Laurent, well, what a beauty he is. Gets the ball, belts down the lane… line and then louses it um …l o s e s it, so if I was Kloppo – Eyyyyy Jüürgen….! I’d tell him to belt doon the lane and then give it to onesome else. From OUR team. Hmm, heh.

But there wuzz a goal at some shtage and then the ffaucheur chauff… driver picked ush up and it was a good evening (officer..) and I bleve we won, so we were VERY HAPPY.

Driver not so, I gather from the dark looks next morning….

With acknowedgement to the late Henry N. Manney III for the liberal absorption of “Wi’ a drap o’ Watter fra’ the Burrn” – Road and Track October 1966

This entry was published on 29 July, 2007 at 07:32. It’s filed under Mainz and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

3 thoughts on “>Kumasi Asante Kotoko – #163

  1. >Great photo!I’ll say thank you here to Meisbach (our twin town) for sending apple juice to us in Tewkesbury UK following our floods. Delicious and appreciated! I can’t find a Meisbach DP so thought i’d say it here! Thank you to your fellow Germans.

  2. >Hee, hee! How’s the hangover?

  3. >Nice portrait and interesting story.Abraham LincolnDown Memory Lane

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