Mainz Daily Photo

>Monthly Theme Day – Letterbox – #1325


You say “tomayto” “mailbox”, we say “tomahto”  “letterbox”

OK, so technically it’s a typecase, but if you can put letters in it and it’s a box, then it’s a letterbox.

At the Druckladen, the printing workshop at Gutenberg Museum

More over here.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

This entry was published on 1 May, 2011 at 07:00. It’s filed under Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, Monthly Theme Day and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

7 thoughts on “>Monthly Theme Day – Letterbox – #1325

  1. >I am graphic designer so I noticed the letter box immediately from just looking at the thumbnail. Good twist!

  2. >Ahhh, very clever for theme day. great choice

  3. >For a wordsmith such as you, this is a unique take on the Theme Day:Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2Polonius: What do you read, my lord? HAMLET: Words, words, words.

  4. >I forgot Theme Day until I got up this am and then it was too late. Love your take on it JB. Good job.V

  5. >Oh very clever take on the word. Love it. Love the photo too. Letters, words, always and forever fascinating.

  6. >Think outside the box and live in the city of one Johannes G…Neat.

  7. >Now that's an original take on the theme. Well done.Sydney – City and Suburbs

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